It has become clear that even once the lockdown is lifted, there is a need for restrictions and COVID-secure practices well into the rest of 2021 and beyond. The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has outlined the guidelines for making workplaces secure, including simple solutions such as hand washing and social distancing. But do they go far enough?
With the success of the vaccine rollout across the UK, there is the hope of a slow return too normal, and as well as a return to the office for some, hope that our hospitality and theatre venues will be allowed to reopen. But with different strains of COVID-19 already circulating, it remains important to be cautious and avoid another lockdown situation.
This means implementing new procedures and perhaps new technology to help reduce the rate of transmission.
Temperature monitoring
Temperature monitoring is a way for businesses to implement safer practices that go above and beyond the government’s COVID-secure guidelines. Thermal imaging can be used to regularly check employees temperatures.
Cameras at building entry points can be calibrated to achieve this. Screening terminals can be quickly and easily implemented, even without the need for third-party installation on-site – providing instant reassurance for those attending the facility and limiting further outside contact.
Test and trace
Unfortunately, the NHS Test and Trace app has reportedly only had a marginal impact and has not been very successful in identifying and preventing the spread of COVID-19.
A private test and trace system offers one way of identifying and containing any outbreaks identified in the workplace. These systems give employees tags to wear that connect with each other, allowing employers to easily identify who an employee has been near if they test positive for COVID-19.
Workers will feel more secure with regular temperature checks using thermal imaging devices, and by adopting a private test and trace system employees will have confidence knowing that the spread of the virus is being carefully monitored in their workplace.
Technology can provide an effective barrier against the spread of the virus, and it will help support businesses from a commercial angle too.
If you’re looking for thermal fever cameras and biometric security systems in the UK, talk to us today.
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