Five Security Tips To Keep An Older Person Safe At Home

//Five Security Tips To Keep An Older Person Safe At Home

Five Security Tips To Keep An Older Person Safe At Home

Older people can feel particularly vulnerable in their own homes, as they are more likely to live alone and may have reduced mobility. If you are senior yourself, or worried about older relatives or neighbours, here are some simple tips to help make the home feel more safe and secure. 

  • Install outdoor lighting

Outdoor lighting that illuminates pathways, gates, and entrances makes it safer and easier for the homeowner to return to the property after dark. It also acts as a deterrent to potential intruders because they dislike being more visible than necessary. 

To add an extra level of security, install motion sensor lighting around the exterior of the property. The lights will automatically switch on when movement is detected, which is both energy efficient and convenient. 

  • Install visible burglar alarms

A burglar alarm system that is visible on the exterior of the property acts as an excellent deterrent and can be directly linked to the first response services to immediately notify the authorities of a break in. Often just the noise of the alarm going off is all it takes to scare away an intruder.

  • Install door video cameras

Older people can be particularly vulnerable to scammers who make door to door calls on false pretences. Often these callers will have a convincing backstory in place and may try to con the homeowner out of cash, or persuade them to give away bank details or part with valuables.

Consider installing camera systems that allow the occupant to monitor the outside of the door and speak to the caller via an intercom system. This can provide peace of mind that the caller is known to the occupant, or can produce ID to prove that they have a genuine reason to be there.

This is often a safer system than installing a lock and chain on the front door, because it allows friends and family who hold keys to access the property in an emergency situation.

  • Update door and window locks

Windows are often left unlocked for convenience, and they can be challenging for an older or less mobile person to reach when they want to open the window for ventilation. Therefore it’s important to regularly check that windows, particularly those on the ground floor level, are locked overnight.

Door locks with a five lever mortice deadlock make it more difficult for an intruder to unpick than a standard lock. If a front door is ageing and flimsy, or has glass panels that are easily breakable, it is worth updating it with a more robust door that conforms to the PAS 24: 2022  safety standard. 

A letter box cage can prevent thieves from reaching in and opening the door from the inside or hooking out keys that have been left lying nearby. 

  • Ensure that sheds and garages are kept locked

Intruders will often take tools from an unsecured shed or garage that they then use to break into a house. Therefore make sure that all tools, ladders and gardening equipment are put away and locked up at night time. 

If you are looking for intruder alarm installers in Slough, please get in touch with us today.

By |2024-04-09T12:25:10+01:00March 7th, 2023|Blog|0 Comments

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