Why Christmas Is A Prime Season For Burglaries To Happen

//Why Christmas Is A Prime Season For Burglaries To Happen

Why Christmas Is A Prime Season For Burglaries To Happen

As we have covered recently, autumn and winter are popular times for burglars, as the darker nights make it easier for them to sneak around outside your house, looking for vulnerabilities that will enable them to break in easily, as well as assessing what they might find when they get inside.

This should bring a response with various devices and means available to help keep them at bay, such as nightlights linked to movement sensors that can illuminate the outside of your home and take away the darkness the crooks rely on.

However, there are particular times when you may need to go even further to protect your home from thieves, as there is one time that is particularly attractive to burglars – Christmas. If ever there was a time to get an early Christmas present, now is the time to install a burglar alarm to protect your festivities and prevent them having a merry time at your expense.

Former burglars themselves have revealed the kind of things they look for in a home to show them it is easy to access and offers lots of things worth stealing.

A particularly common error as December 25th approaches is to leave boxes outside the home that highlight the nature and value of the items inside – especially expensive electrical items, as these are always high on the ‘shopping list’ for criminals. These should not be left outside for recycling, but taken away to avoid ‘advertising’ what is inside the house.

Another top tip is to be wary of social media posts that may highlight the fact you are away at certain times, such as Christmas parties, which means your home will be vacant for an evening, or longer periods, such as visits to family members in other parts of the country.

Social media can also unwittingly help burglars when people post videos of the insides of their homes before Christmas.

This might be done innocently to show off the decorations, but it can also show them the layout of the home with various potential or actual entrances and exits, as well as the tree with presents underneath. Even showing your doors can pose a risk, as the lock types can be visible.

Indeed, leaving presents under the tree at any time when you might be out is asking for trouble, as it means any burglar who breaks in knows exactly where to go to grab valuables. 

Other issues include leaving items like bins near to windows, which makes it easier for intruders to climb in.

Because you may want to go out before Christmas, whether to parties, your children’s nativity play or to visit relatives, you can’t simply stay at home all the time. Indeed, you may be out a lot more around Christmas and New Year than at any other time in the autumn and winter months, except perhaps for Bonfire Night.

That means while measures such as extra lights and gravel patches that cannot be walked over quietly may mean there is more light and sound than the burglars would want, if they know there is nobody at home to hear it they won’t be deterred.

However, with a burglar alarm ready to go off the moment they find a way in, the whole street will know something is going on. Just having one could be the deterrent you need to make sure your Christmas stays merry.

By |2024-10-23T17:15:15+01:00October 16th, 2024|Blog|0 Comments

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